Upper and Lower Body Countdown
Here’s a simple little ladder countdown workout that is a perfect fit for a quick blast. I love ladders when I’m tight for time since there are no timers, no equipment, no fuss, and I know I’m getting my upper body, core and lower body done and the heart rate up as well. For those of you who are already planning a workout today, this can also be done as a “finisher” at the end of the session! (Extra brutal!)
Muriel does ladders too! Have you tried a ladder lately? Simple, yes… Easy, NO!!
Here’s how to do it:
Do the following super-set (pair of exercises) resting as little as possible. In the first super-set, you will complete 10 reps of each exercise. In the next super-set, you will complete 9 reps of each. Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep of each exercise. Again, 1 rep = 1 on the right side and 1 on the left!! The End!
1A) Alternating Lunges or Lunge Jumps (10 each side, 9 each, 8, etc, etc, down to 1 rep each side)
1B) Cross-Body Mountain Climbers (10 each side, 9, 8, etc, etc. down to 1 rep)
Please ask me if you have any questions. If either of these actions is contraindicated for you, you can simply substitute 1 or 2 different ones (squats and triceps push ups, for example).
Enjoy everyone!!
Hey! Day 14th Covered! Today I walked with my husband for 1hr. aprox. and then as you suggested I finish with day 14 challenge… No to enjoy my Sunday, feeling good for excercising before.