Don’t get BORED!

When some of us start a new workout routine, it helps to make it just that – a routine.  When you head out for your workout, it often really helps to know exactly what is on the plan.  That’s all well and good!

As of today, you’re over 2 weeks into the 21-Day Challenge.  The whole idea with the Challenge has been to commit to 10 minutes a day of exercise for 21 consecutive days.  Some of you have been biking to work daily, others have started their days with a 10-minute stretch session or started a daily walk habit after dinner.  AWESOME.  Everything and anything we do that keeps us active counts toward our daily commitment to change.  But what happens when you’ve been at it a while and things start to feel a little… stale?  Well, you’ve gotta mix things up a little!  As I said a minute ago, a routine can be great – just don’t let it get boring for your mind or for your body.

Rather than doing the same thing every day, keep it fresh by putting a simple spin on “the routine”:

Walkers, Runners and Bikers: take a different route and/or mix it up with some speed intervals (which is easy to do without a timer – just use landmarks or lampposts!)

Stretchers:  with a few clicks on your computer, you open up myriad possibilities for stretch variations and new routines.  I’d also suggest cashing in on the local yoga studios’ free trial classes and unlimited month passes.

Strength Trainers:  when your mind is bored, your body has likely been bored for a while!  Since resistance training is my workout passion, my ideas feel endless!  You can vary the order of exercises, the exercises themselves, change the tempo of movements or type of resistance (free weights, body weight, medicine ball…) and so much more.  You can try group training classes, partner personal training or even a one-on-one session for new ideas tailored specifically to your body and your goals.

Adventure-Seekers:  You can’t get bored with the list of cool options available in our area.  Have you ever thought of…

  • Rock climbing gyms (Jenn’s cross-training playground)
  • Ballet barre class (Meghan gave this a whirl over the summer)
  • Horseback riding (I know you’re into it now Francine!)
  • Yoga with those cool fabric ribbons a-la Cirque du Soleil and Pink (that’s you again, Meghan!)
  • Circus School (this one’s my idea for trying something new after my son is born!)
  • Adult swim instruction (smart and productive idea after your knee replacement, Linda)
  • Ladies-only (or not) triathlon clinics (helping Heather again this season)
  • Mom and baby bootcamp (I’ll be there this spring and I know Jen did it too!)
  • Stand-up paddle boarding (ok, the water is getting a bit chilly… but Di tried it this summer and loved the core and balance challenge –not to mention the fun!)
  • Sports teams (from indoor soccer, to hockey to ultimate Frisbee)

What are your ideas?

 If I can come up with this list in under 2 minutes, you’ve got to have a few in mind!  Remember – keep your definition of exercise a flexible one and try something new to stay active heading into the fall and winter!


… to MIX IT UP!  Fight boredom!  Let me know what you’re doing today to prevent workout burnout!  If you need some inspiration, that’s what I’m here for!  Remember that your commitment is 10 minutes of activity today, but you can always increase that.  If you try something completely different between NOW and the end of the challenge, you’ll earn bonus points on the board toward winning DOUBLE YOUR EXERCISE CREDITS!  Hmmm… I think the more “out-of-the-box” your new idea is, the more points you should get!  If anyone ends up going to circus school before I do, I think I need to give you something even better than free credits!  (I’ll think of something…!)

Show me what you’ve got!!