Here is the second workout for your daily LADS exercise challenge! The first workout is upper-body focused and this one is all about the legs! If you're feeling your upper body from yesterday, you should! Here is where you're getting your 48 hours rest… since today's workout targets the lower body, you won't be training upper body again until tomorrow (48 hours between training the same part!). For the duration of the challenge, alternate between workout 1 and workout 2.
As always, focus on your form and on the muscle you are targeting. If something doesn't feel right, STOP, and ask one of the trainers for clarification, tips or a modification based on your unique needs. Watch the video demonstration of each exercise and to help you choose which level best suits your body and current level of fitness. PLEASE ASK US if you have any questions or concerns about the workout!!
WHAT: A lower-body and cardio focused circuit consisting of: 30 seconds each for 5 different lower body exercises. For level one participants, your goal is to complete the circuit twice. For level 2+ participants, complete 3 sets. If, after 3 sets, you feel your legs still had some "juice", let's think about increasing the workload!! Your upper body gets a rest in this workout… you'll need to be fresh for tomorrow's session!!
WHY: These exercises are guaranteed to get the legs burning and the heart pumping!! Targeting the lower body with this strength training circuit means that you're engaging the biggest muscles in your body, getting your heart rate up and revving up the metabolism – not only during the workout but for hours afterward. Your effort is directly proportional to your results!
HOW: 30 seconds of each of the following exercises. For the single-sided exercises (single leg bridges, lunges) you have to do 30 seconds on EACH SIDE!! Rest 30 – 60 seconds at the end of the set, and repeat for 2-3 sets.
View the LADS Lower Body Workout Day 2
Exercise Name |
Level 1 |
Level 2 |
Level 3 |
Prisoner Squats |
Prisoner Squat, best depth |
Prisoner Chair Squat |
Squat Jumps |
Spiderman Climb |
*Knee-to-Toes plank practice |
*Spiderman Climb with your best range of motion |
*Spiderman Climb with feet climbing to the outside of hands (full range) |
Single Leg Bridges |
Double leg bridge, 30 second hold or repetitions |
Single leg bridge, 30 seconds per leg |
Elevated single leg bridge, 30 seconds per leg |
Lunges with rotation |
Stationary lunge, add rotation when ready (30 seconds per side) |
Reverse lunge with Rotation (30 seconds per side)
Split Jumps (alternating sides, 30 seconds total) |
Wall Squat |
Wall squat, best depth |
Wall squat at 90-degrees of knee bend |
Single leg wall squat, 15- 30 seconds per leg at a 90-degree bend. |
*If weight-bearing on fully extended arms is tough on your wrists, you can place a folded towel or mat directly under the wrists. The fingers should be on the floor, resting so they point straight forward.
Have fun and work hard! I'll be posting my own workouts for the LADS challenge this week too! Let me know how your workout goes!!
Hey, Kelly: Is there a reason why the Upper Body set is 1-3 reps, and the Lower Body set is 3-5 reps? Just wonderin’! 🙂
Good question! Some of us were finding the upper body weight bearing exercises pretty challenging… which is why there are fewer sets listed!! One set is for those of us who are just getting going – Of course, I know we’re all working to a level that challenges US, right!! There is a lot of volume done weight bearing in that first workout so 3 sets spent floor-based is actually quite a bit. I was feeling pretty bold when I said up to 5 sets of the lower body version… I think if anyone feels as though they can do 5 sets then we need to up your challenge with each of the exercises!! I think 2-3 sets, of appropriately challenging exercises for the lower body workout is great!!! Let’s forget I ever said 5 sets!! In fact, I’m taking that comment down!! Come see me in the gym if you feel 3 sets is easy and I’ll fix it up for you!!
Phew!! 15 mins of PAIN, friend!! Thanks for the workout!
Is anyone else FEELING THE LACTIC ACID this week? My legs are like lead!! 🙂 Thanks a lot, Kelly!
You’re welcome!!!! I did the workout on Wednesday… and yes – my legs were toast! I filmed one round which, when I post it, you will see was pretty challenging! I loved it though! I really like these LADS workouts because they’re short but challenging. They are versions of workouts I do all the time when I have longer days and only leave about 20 or so minutes for my own exercise sessions. I don’t know if this makes sense to anyone, but when I’ve spent literally years inside of gyms, I sometimes feel like I just want to do a good, hard workout at home. Even when I’m in the gym, I like to do lots of bodyweight exercises like these ones – I love to see my progress with exercises like push ups and the dreaded speed squat rounds!! If you come to my classes, you know what those are!! Hope you’ve enjoyed these 2 LADS workouts and I also hope you keep them in your arsenal over the holidays or when you’re traveling and don’t have access (or time) to do a “regular” workout.