Welcome to the first workout in your daily LADS exercise challenge!  The first workout is designed to target the upper body.  Since we're strength training every day, tomorrow's workout is lower-body focused.  With workouts that target different parts of the body, we're still getting the 48 hours required rest between strength training sessions.  

As always, focus on your form and on the muscle you are targeting.  If something doesn't feel right, STOP and ask one of the trainers for clarification, tips or a modification based on your unique needs.  Watch the video demonstration to help you choose which level of each exercise best suits your body and current level of fitness.  PLEASE ASK US if you have any questions or concerns about the workout!!  



WHAT:  An awesome upper body and core-based strength training circuit with modifications for levels 1, 2 and 3.

WHY:  These exercises target the major muscles of the upper body including chest, back, shoulders and triceps.  Don't forget to engage your core!!  

HOW: 30 seconds of each exercise listed, repeated for a total of 2-3 sets.  Rest 30 seconds to 1 minute between sets. For level 1, aim for 1-2 sets of level 1 options.  For levels 2 and 3, aim for 2-3 sets of those options.

Check out the LADS Upper Body Workout (Day 1)

Exercise Name

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Diamond push ups

Knee-based and box push ups (can use a "regular" hand position if you like)

Knee-based  diamond push ups

Hybrid or toe-based diamond push up… super-hard!

Cross body mountain climbers

Elevated start position climbs

Walking cross body mountain climbers (floor-based)

Cross body sprint mountain climbers

Plank press ups

Plank from knees for a 15 second hold, press up to hands for 15 second hold

Knee based plank press ups, dominant and non-dominant sides!

Toe based plank press ups, dominant and non-dominant sides!

Burpee push ups

Walking burpee without push up

Walking burpee to a knee push up

Full burpee plus push up (knee based or from toes!)

Renegade rows

Knee based plank with hands walking wide and narrow

Knee based renegade row

Toe based renegade row (narrower stance and weighted row increases challenge to level 4 and 5)

Post your comments about the workout!  If you have questions, stop by MCC any time on Monday or Wednesday to chat with Kelly!  Have fun everyone!!