Taking care of your health in the midst of COVID-19 is on everyone’s minds these days. We know that nutrition is intricately linked to immunity and to the risk and severity of infections. Poor nourished individuals are at a greater risk of various bacterial, viral, and other infections. Therefore, it is imperative for all of us to pay attention to our diet and nutritional status during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Although everyone is focused on the super food or meal – we have to first understand that we are in a new environment – we are now always eating at home and we are eating with our families. Start by shaping up your environment – make sure your kitchen speaks the language of your diet plan. Clean out the junk, make healthy foods available and ready to go. Use your time at home to meal plan with your family – you want to ensure that your whole family can eat a version of the same meal – making multiple meals at one sitting will not last.
The last two weeks – many were assuming the social distancing was time sensitive to a few weeks – so most of use were just getting by with little exercise, somewhat healthy eating and non-scheduled home life. Now in April – we understand that our current lifestyle may last well into the summer, it is no longer about getting by – it is now about developing your routine in order to be productive and stay or improve your health vs. regress. Moving into the first week of April this Monday – I suggest using this weekend to meal prep with the family – develop a structured day that includes exercise, wellness practices and chores.
Now is the time to improve your health – and now you have some time on your side. Weather you are looking to lose weight, improve your health, immunity or cleanse your body – start this Monday. With an outlined goal – you can outline a process. MCC is working with patients through our virtual platform, and many existing and new members are taking advantage of this time with the development of a customized diet plan that supports themselves and their families needs. MCC is also starting ZOOM exercise sessions every Monday and Friday morning plus stretch Thursday evenings. This is an exercise plan lead by our instructors, our goal is to ensure that you are getting a high intensity workout and to connect with our awesome MCC member community. The training team will be watching your form to ensure that you are exercising in a safe mannor suitable to your fitness needs. To book a virtual nutrition appt or take part in an mcc zoom exercise – email us HERE
If you are not ready for a nutrition makeover – we suggest that you still take some healthy steps into the right direction. The best line of defence from your diet is the increased consumption of produce – fruits and vegetables. Specifically aim to up immune boosting nutrients such as
VITAMIN C is high in the following foods – Red pepper, Orange, Kiwi, Broccoli, Strawberries, Brussels sprouts, Grapefruit, Cantaloupe, Cabbage, Cauliflower
ZINC is high in the following foods – Oysters, , Crab, Beef patty, Lobster, Pork chop, Baked beans, Chicken, Pumpkin seeds, Yogurt
VITAMIN D is high in the following foods -Cod liver oil, Swordfish, Tuna fish, Orange juice (fortified and 100% juice), Milk, Yogurt, Sardines, Beef liver, Egg, Ready-to-eat cereals (whole grain cereals)
On the flip side to booster power foods, it is suggested to reduce the foods and habits that are not conducive to your health. I suggest that even though your stress and anxiety are heightened and bad foods seem soothing – they will rebound and lead to health regression. Minimize the following elements that may be lurking in your home – this includes sugar, alcohol, food between meals, poppable foods that have no portion and lack of movement.
If you are looking for support at this time – the MCC team is happy to help! Simply email the team at info@metaboliccareclinics.com