Green Tea

Green Tea

Green tea is the healthiest drink on the planet and here are 5 proven reasons why a cup a day can keep the doctor away… Note that it is loaded with polyphenols, most notably Catechinsan EGCG.  These are antioxidants that fight and may even prevent cell damage. Green...


What’s all the hype with Ginger? This wonder spice has been a popular choice for calming an upset stomach over time (remember when your mom used to give you gingerale?) but who knew it packs so many other health benefits – not to mention it offers up an aromatic,...


Coconut  While a source of saturated fat – Coconuts contain a different kind of fat called medium chain fatty acids – this type of fat is unique and helps to normalize cholesterol levels in the blood and may help boost metabolism. Along with plenty of fibre, vitamins...