Carb Cycling – Revolutionary Diet Style

Carb Cycling – Revolutionary Diet Style

Carb cycling is a diet strategy that has you fluctuating your consumption of carbohydrates.  There are many strategies to carb cycling: the number of carb, protein and fat grams fluctuate based on a high, low or no carb day, as well plans often have guidelines for...
Rise Kombucha Tea

Rise Kombucha Tea

We all know how important probiotics are for our GUT.  To get the full story, see an earlier MCC post: PROBIOTICS AND YOUR GUT Outside of yogurt, most people have no clue how to get probiotics into their daily diet.  With the warm weather here, and the obsession to...
Cream Cheese Eggs

Cream Cheese Eggs

Try this savory breakfast that will keep you full and give you the energy you need to get through your morning on the first phase of the Fat Attack. Ingredients: 2 whole eggs two whites 1 tsp fat free cream cheese salt What to do: Whisk the whole eggs and the whites...