As we saw in the post Does BBQ Meat Cause Cancer?, using leaner cuts of meat such as turkey and chicken help to amount of fat that drips and causes flare ups and therefore reduces harmful carcinogens. Here is a classic turkey burger that will be a family favourite....
With the summer here, it’s time to embrace the weight loss challenge of picnics, meetings at a patio bar, and summer socials! MCC has a special offer for all MCC members, turn your workplace into a healthy, lean, mean machine… While on any diet the key is...
We all know how important probiotics are for our GUT. To get the full story, see an earlier MCC post: PROBIOTICS AND YOUR GUT Outside of yogurt, most people have no clue how to get probiotics into their daily diet. With the warm weather here, and the obsession to...
With the nicer weather on its way there is no better time than now to clean off your grill and start grilling! Making fish inside leaves a “fishy” smell in the house for a while BUT making it outside leaves you with a delicious dinner and little to no...