Are you over 40 years of age?
Have you been on many diets, and of late, can’t seem to lose, in fact, you are oddly gaining?
Do you look forward to a glass at night more than you used to?
Do you wake up tired, not feeling refreshed, and let your irritability affect your day?
Is PMS worse than ever, bloating, headaches, ovulatory pain, “you want to kill everyone” mentality? Are you gaining weight more in your midsection?
Do you at times feel like you are losing it, memory, short fuse, anxiety, depression?
Is your sex drive plummeting and are hot flashes on the rise?
Are you stressed about being stressed? Sick and tired of being sick and tired?
Is your skin losing its glow, your hair starting to look drab?
If you are nodding your head to some of these, then you probably have a hormonal imbalance! Hormones dictate so many of your body functions, it is natural that as you age, certain hormones plummet, however in today’s world – we are seeing greater drops and discrepancies in hormonal balance that disease states and premature aging are on the rise.
The Hormone-Balancing Diet is the premise of our February Challenge and Workshops at MCC! Be ready to burn fat, build muscle, your skin to glow, your symptoms to subside and feel 20 Again!
- Challenge and Workshops run for 6 weeks
- Starts at Metabolic Care Clinics on February 12 (Registration deadline is Feb 10)
- Starts at Oxygen Fitness in Milton on February 26