You are in the middle of summer and your health goals are not going as planned.  Your weekend barbecues got the best of you and the patio drinks were just too tempting to resist?

The August long weekend marks the half way point for summer – its time to make a U TURN and no better time than this long weekend.  Here are 5 strategies to master your health this long weekend…


You may be staying home, or your may plan on going to the cottage, know your weekend plans and set limits.  To set a limit, start by identifying your social calorie encounters – foods, snacks, desserts, and alcohol.  The first step is to set a hard NO to all but one of these items, and than to set a limit for the ONE item that you are not willing to forgo.


When more comes in, more has to go out, ramp up your exercise this weekend.  Set a plan to exercise EACH day of the long weekend even if the only time available is ten minutes.


The best way to resist calorie dangers is to have a strong mindset.  Use this long weekend to develop a health goal and map out a time line.  This little exercise can lead to you using the weekend to baked healthy foods for the up coming week, or simply might help you stay focused.


many patients see long weekends as a time to fear their diet plans.  What a great test for your to look your fear right in the face and do something completely new and challenging – a wheat free day – a fasting day – a hike – a new exercise class…this exercise can kickstart your confidence and ripple into future success.


this sounds simple and silly – but it works.  Most people do not drink enough water in the day, have an objective to reach your hydration goals this weekend.  Not only will this kickstart a good habit, there are so many metabolic benefits – water flushes the body, keeps cells strong for better metabolic performance and reduces your hunger!