Most people are watchful at Christmas, as it’s a holiday that spills onto many days…the eve, the day, the pre dinners, lunches and New Year’s to follow.  Singular holidays like Easter, Thanksgiving, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day don’t have as much of a watchful eye, because after all, they are just one day.  These one day holidays add up to a whole month in your year, and thus focus on health should not be ignored!  That being said…Happy Easter!

On the hunt for a guilt free easter…here are 5 little things to consider

Take it up a notch with Exercise

This holiday week, use your time off to ramp up your movement.  Exercise cannot undo bad eating habits but they will burn calories, clear your mind and make you feel great.  With a sunny spring day, take a walk, move more with spring cleaning and sweat more with a high intensity power workout.

Rethink the easter basket

Chocolate bunnies are not the only sweet gifts at Easter time. You can stuff plastic eggs with lip balm, stickers, specialty tea bags and chocolate with a health kick…dark chocolate or specialty chocolates such as ones made with carob, ginger even quinoa!  If you are opting for chocolate, pick the smaller eggs.

Gathering are for social satisfaction, not belly bliss!

If you are getting together with family and friends, make the time count!  Enjoy the company of the people you are with and take the focus away from the meal.  When it is time to eat, make this your scavenger hunt, you are on the hunt for healthy foods…there will be some at every dinner.

Make it count!

Every time you are about to pop a chocolate in your mouth account for it, add it up, because it sure does add up.  Check out this Calorie King Blog that outlines all the different chocolates and their “non”nutritional value.

Keep your eye on the prize…

Right after the Easter holiday you enter the most popular time of year to lose weight.  When Spring hits, the weather will turn and your wardrobe will evolve with less clothing and more colour.  You will try on your last season shorts and will want to button them up with no effort.  Keep your eye on the prize, rethink your goals to ensure you stick to your process